Alexander Technique for Children

Jano has worked with many children and teenagers to catch early patterns of physical misuse that are leading to tension, pain and injuries. She would like to see Alexander Technique be part of our regular education system to benefit all children.

How can children benefit from AT?

At an early age children are required to sit at small desks and quickly develop a slumped position to concentrate on reading and writing. They may be reprimanded or response to emotionally charged situations and tighten their bodies. These habits then are carried into their activities that involve repetitive movements such as sports, music and art-making. This makes them vulnerable to injury.

The Alexander Technique can enhance their coordination and breathing as well as their ability to run faster, aim a ball more accurately, stretch further and target strength building correctly. Our brains can work more efficiently and our creativity is more available to us when we have less tension and can breathe more naturally.

It would be wonderful if we could learn to use ourselves well as children to enjoy a better relationship with our bodies and move well in all sorts of activities as adults with less pain.