Alexander Technique for Bodyworkers

Bodyworkers and medical professionals, such as massage therapists, rolfers, osteopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, dentists, doctors, and psychologists must stand on their feet and bend over their clients for long hours. This can be strenuous and tiring. It is easy to misuse our bodies and become injured while we are helping other people.

The Alexander Technique is useful for bringing your awareness of how you use your own body into your work environment and learning to use the best possible body mechanics. You can learn to use your strength from a centered place with an optimum use of ground and minimal wear and tear on your muscular-skeletal structure. You can learn to use your hands to touch people deeply and soothingly without injuring your hands.

It is far too easy to carry our own personal tension into our work which then affects our clients. We can be a superior model of health and ease and freedom of movement for our clients to model after. 

Jano’s experience as a massage therapist and dancer and her knowledge of anatomy, common injuries and medical conditions enhance her ability to help you address your professional challenges. 

Podcast about Jano

Listen to this great interview about Jano and Alexander Technique