The Benefits of Alexander Technique

What are the benefits of The Alexander Technique?

  • Reduction in tension and improved ability to handle stress.
  • Ease and freedom of movement, i.e. joint mobility and range of movement, muscular flexibility, quality of motion.
  • Improved balance and grounding.
  • Enhanced ability to breathe naturally and to greater capacity.
  • Prevention of injuries and improved body mechanics both at home and in the work place.
  • Can be part of rehabilitation from injury, surgery or long term illness by helping with the management of pain and the return to function.
  • A new sense of control of your body
  • Improved performance skills and reduced performance anxiety for actors, dancers, singers, musicians, and athletes.

The Alexander Technique is non-invasive and entirely safe for most people.

HOWEVER: There are always people who will react negatively to any amount of touch – e.g. people who have been abused emotionally or physically, people who have certain neuromuscular conditions that cause flare up of symptoms, e.g. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, and people who have had recent injuries or surgeries with open wounds.

As with any technique, anyone with a medical condition of any sort should check with a doctor before studying the A.T. 

Podcast about Jano

Listen to this great interview about Jano and Alexander Technique